Facts On God
What do I believe....
He is only the creator of the realm of Earth and it's known and unknown universe. There are other creators, but they have no connection to, history with, or intention over, 'human' existence.
He has created 'others', but they have taken the same route as human history, but many millions of years ago.
He is not 'human'.
He does not agree with the way the human condition has developed.
He will not divulge certain 'mysteries' to the 'clergy', as the knowledge, if believed, will destroy all mortal existence.
He has revealed those mysteries to someone, and they will reveal them, because there is little chance that they will be believed. The human condition will ensure this.
He did not 'authorise' the Bible. It contains certain human ideas on Him, but all the books of the Bible and all other 'biblical' texts have been putrified at the hands of Man. The Bible and other religious books, such as the Koran, DOES contain certain truths about Him, however.
There are books written that are not authorised for inclusion in the Bible. There are truths about Him in those books.
No institutionalised religion has a right to call itself representative of Him or His story.
He has no mortal connection to this conscious world. He is connected spiritually through his agents.
He has sent 'agents' to Earth to intervene in human history.
He created 'man' after he created animals.
He created human physiological systems based on those He had already created in the animal world.
He used the animal physiology to develop human physiology.
He said that science knows this, but because of pride, the human condition will not allow itself to accept the fact.
There is a creational difference between 'African' history and 'Anglo' history. This is the reason for the more direct correlation between the primates and the negroid form.
Negroid souls are closer to Him spiritually, due to the recency of their creation.
Negroid form is a synthesis between His original human creation and later 'post Creationist' physiological development. Negroid souls reflect a more recent reflection of that development.
Primates should be honoured for their role in the creation of the human form.
Many human physiological components come from the Suidea (swine) family.
The human skin was directly replicated using that of the swine. This is proven by those that have eaten the human flesh. These people (who have abused Human dignity by doing so), attest to the similarity in texture, taste and form.
Jesus of Nazareth was sent to this realm as a prophet.
Religions based on the life of Jesus of Nazareth have a right to use Him as a model of human living, but they have no right to spiritual supremacy because of this.
He (God) is the 'father' of all souls.
Upon death, the soul is released from the body, and disperses unto His realm.
His realm lies in parallel with the conscious, human realm. This facilitates greater contact by His agents. We have called them 'angels'. These agents cannot change human history, but they can influence individual choices and actions. This influence depends on the agent's wishes.