My Neighbour's Cat
My mate's next door neighbour was an elderly lady, and had owned the same cat for 15 years. When the cat was young, it would inevitably piss in the house, only to have it's nose rubbed in it, and be thrown out the laundry window by the scruff of the neck. This went on for years.
One day, my mate went over to see how the old lady was. She was in the laundry, hands on hips, shaking her head. The cat had once again soiled the same spot on which it had done so throughout the years. As my mate stood there, the cat appeared from a side door, and the old lady started her normal routine of castigating the damned cat. This time, the old lady didn't have to do a single thing. My mate stood in awe as the cat furiously ran towards the pile of crap, shoved it's nose deep inside the filthy pile, and tossed itself out the laundry window. Well, that in itself was funny enough, but what really entertained my mate as he watched the cat head towards the window, was the fact that the lady had just installed fly screens....
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